Sabtu, 22 Juni 2013

Suzuki Splash 2013 Now Available Transmission options Matic0

Suzuki Splash 2013 Now Available Transmission options Matic0
Aulia Puspa April 28, 2013 Automotive News, New Cars, Suzuki - Suzuki Splash Transmission Matik Indonesia. After being delayed a few weeks, PT. Suzuki launches next Indosales suzuki splash automatic transmission today (04/27/2013). Located in one of the shopping centers in Karawaci, the car that was in the city car segment of the class will be able to satisfy customers is indeed a car that had been waiting for the presence suzuki splash automatic transmission for a long time. Especially in women who prefer a car with automatic transmission, because it is easier to operate than a manual transmission car. It is common knowledge if a girl is more like something that is not complicated.

Tuilan Davy, director of marketing 4w PT. Suzuki Indomobil sales suzuki splash automatic mention that the import was imported intact from india. In other words, this car is categorized as CBU cars are cars that are not assembled in Indonesia. There are so many cars on the market CBU Indonesia. The price is also able to be more competitive when compared to suzuki splash with manual transmission generation ago, he said on the sidelines of the launch of suzuki splash automatic.

Although imported from India, but Alan convinced that the existing stock will be able to meet consumer demand in Indonesia. Subject is confirmed by endro nugroho, director of sales 4w pt. Suzuki Indomobil Sales. We have considered all the possibilities. If in fact the greater the desire, we will ask for adding a new stock car in Indonesia. Clearly, we do not want a stock car tight and require indent too long, he said.

Not only the automatic transmission, suzuki splash automatic also undergone some changes in recent facelift 2013. Among these are the front grille that took the checkered design. For the price of this 2013 suzuki splash automatic priced at Rp 151 million.

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